Monday, May 14, 2012

ESPN 710 LA Weekend Warrior: B Diddy probably done

Baron posterizes Kirilenko in 2007 (, You Tube)

"The Coach" Dave Miller and Dr. Robert Klapper talked about B Diddy’s recent injury on Weekend Warrior on ESPN 710 AM this morning (May 12).

From what I can remember (I was driving when this came on the radio), Dr. Klapper said that BD did not just dislocate his kneecap but he also injured ligaments and tendons around the knee, as follow-up MRI showed. He said BD basically dislocated his whole knee (his fibula and tibula separated) and injured surrounding ligaments and tendon. And because BD injured his patellar tendon, he would have to get tissue from a cadaver to repair his injuries. Since ligaments and tendons are bathed in fluids, they are the hardest to heal. Things would have been better if BD did just dislocate his kneecap since associated injuries are not bathed in fluids and so these would heal quicker.

With this injury and him being 33 years old, Dr. Kappler thinks BD is done with basketball.

Speedy recovery, Baron. Shock the world.

To listen the Weekend Warrior 5/12 podcast, click here.

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